I am pleased to support your interest in the Hoffman Process for you and your clients.
Many of my clients, as well as therapists and many people in the helping professions, have derived tremendous personal benefits from the Hoffman Process. They’ve integrated fresh, expansive insights and awakened possibilities into their lives with highly practical and enduring results.
Process participants engage deep psychological and spiritual practices grounded in a sound, healing methodology that’s been developed and refined over several decades; it’s a methodology that is particularly well adapted to current attachment and neurobiological theories and practices. Simply stated, participants learn how to transform counterproductive and limiting beliefs, perceptions, and emotional patterns into more creative, life-enhancing options.
As a supportive graduate of the Hoffman Process, I can attest to the benefits gained from the Process throughout my life, from a deepening of capacity for love and acceptance to receiving more joy in life. Happily, the benefits have endured over decades.
The Process and its methodologies coordinate well with the practices of psychotherapy, whether it is psychodynamic, cognitive, experiential, or transpersonal modalities. As such, the Process may be a very useful adjunct to the important work of psychotherapy.
In referring clients to participate in the Hoffman Process, I have found that upon resumption of psychotherapy, the graduate clients tend to have much greater access to their inner depth, accept more responsibility for their choices, and are more conscious of the ever-present dynamic of projections and transferences. Most brilliantly, I find that they have gained the awareness of feeling connected to a deeper, authentic, lovable Self. They come to experience a Self beyond the conditioned self. The Process is a wonderfully therapeutic asset to psychotherapy.
Please feel free to contact any of us should you have questions or concerns about the benefits of the Hoffman Process. The professional names to the right are all clickable and linked to our email addresses. We invite you to recommend the Hoffman Process as a supportive complement to your work as a clinician.
Marianne H. Stefancic, M.F.T. (San Rafael, CA)
Hoffman Advisory Council Member