This conversation with Ryan Miles and Drew is not to be missed. Ryan is vulnerable, raw, and so deeply grounded within himself as he shares his experience before, during, and after graduating from the Hoffman Process.
Ryan tells us the big pain point that brought him to the Process – the inability to feel empathy for others, including family and friends. He felt very alone, didn’t know why he felt so alone, and had no idea what was causing him to feel that way. He wanted to care about people and didn’t know how to.
When you listen to Ryan talk about his experience post-Process, you can sense the immense transformation that took place during his seven days at our California Hoffman Retreat Center in Petaluma. During his Process, Ryan did indeed come to understand why he could not find empathy for others; he felt no empathy, or love, for himself.
Ryan considered himself selfish, but he discovered something ironic about this belief. He says he now sees that selfishness is that “your self-view is so small that all you can see is yourself.” By day two of the Process, he realized that his whole idea of love had been backward for most of his life. Ryan realized that Love is indeed a birthright. He found that love is waiting for us within. All we need to do is come home to that Love.
Ryan was raised on a dairy farm near the small town of Weippe in northern Idaho. His parents, Grant and Sharon, ran the dairy as second-generation owners. Ryan was the youngest of four boys. He grew up in an environment of a strong work ethic and a conservative Christian belief system through the Wesleyan church. After graduating high school in 1996, Ryan moved away from home and into the world at large, which was the custom of his family. Thus began his adventure of survival and personal development.
In 1999, Ryan married his life companion Elissa. In 2010 they had a son Cash followed by a daughter Sunny in 2013. Ryan started a business in the European Auto Repair world called Peak Euro in 2007. Today, they have 12 employees and are experiencing strong growth. However, the pursuit of perfectionism and financial success didn’t lead to attaining Joy and Inner Peace. Ryan began to think there had to be more to life. The world of auto repair led Ryan to Hoffman through industry coaching and other personal development workshops. One such workshop was the Hoffman Process. At the Process, Ryan did the life-changing work that can be done in just one week.
Ryan’s favorite authors include Eckhart Tolle, Anthony de Mello, Richard Rohr, Michael Singer, and Paulo Coelho.
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