WEBCLASS: Mastering Elevators

15dec5:00 pm6:15 pmWEBCLASS: Mastering Elevators<span>Dec 15, 2020, 5:00-6:15 PM Pacific / 8:00-9:15 Eastern </span><span>Led by Sharon Kennedy</span><span><font color="#008ec5">Open to Hoffman Process Grads & Hoffman Essentials Participants </font></span>

Event Details

Mastering Elevators: Transforming Patterns in Every Area of Your Life There is a reason this is a favorite tool of so many teachers. The elevator is always an excellent tool to discover what patterns are getting in your way or keeping you stuck. Elevators are an awareness tool, which will lead you to discover patterns that are driving unwanted reactions. With this awareness, you can take the next steps in the Cycle of Transformation to deal with patterns and gain freedom. You’ll come away from this webclass with the confidence needed to utilize this amazing tool in any circumstance of your life and to become your own best resource for pattern awareness.


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