WEBCLASS: So, You’re a Hot Mess. How to Be with Life When You Wish Things Were Different.

13feb5:00 pm6:15 pmWEBCLASS: So, You’re a Hot Mess. How to Be with Life When You Wish Things Were Different.Feb 13, 2024, 5:00-6:15 PM Pacific / 8:00-9:15 Eastern | Led by Jen Davis | Open to Hoffman Process Grads & Hoffman Essentials Participants

Event Details

Webclass: So, You’re a Hot Mess. How to Be with Life When You Wish Things Were Different. In this webclass, you will explore a current situation in your life that’s making you feel like a ‘hot mess.’  You will uncover the beliefs that rob you of peace in the midst of chaos.  You’ll learn how to ride the wild waves that life naturally presents while staying connected to the unshakeable you. There is a “you” that is unshakable beneath the constant change of life!!

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