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By Dr. Mary Jayne Rogers

emerging renewedI was watching a story on TV the other night about the 17-year cicadas. The entomologist explained that the “dreaded” cicadas spend those 17 years underground as juveniles. They return to the surface after their long seclusion to complete their maturation.

Emerging Nurtured

As the threat of the Coronavirus subsides and days get longer and the temperature climbs, we, too, find ourselves emerging from our “underground” COVID experience. Am I comparing us to cicadas? Yes. Yes, I am.

For 17 years, the cicadas steadfastly nourish themselves as they prepare for their mature life above ground.

Like the cicadas, we also have had the experience of being tucked away, essentially underground, for over a year. This period of isolation has given us time – time to nurture ourselves and to be better prepared to cope as we re-enter a world that may feel surreal after such a long hiatus.

Emerging Renewed

We had opportunities to feed our souls with Hoffman webclasses and virtual programs, not to mention getting to know many Hoffman teachers through daily Quad Checks and Gratitudes on Instagram.

Now, as the world emerges from months underground, I’m aware of a gentle transformation in myself – a metamorphosis if you will – in my “be-ing.”

Having had the gift of time, especially time with myself, I’ve become more aware of my patterns. Hoffman says, “If you spot it, you got it.” Similarly, I like to apply the three-finger rule; when I point one finger at someone in judgment, three are pointing back at me.

Emerging Healthy

Together with that awareness, aided by the many Hoffman offerings, I began learning how to express myself in healthier ways. I became more patient (even if only slightly so). The experiences and events that were my COVID journey gave me perspective on what is important in my life as well as what isn’t. Understanding that I could let go of the things and the people that pull me toward the Left Road has given me a sense of freedom and ease. Without those negative distractions, I am filled with immeasurable gratitude for the abundance of love in my life and in the world.

As the doors of society began to open, this subtle transformation allowed me to re-enter the world with greater self-awareness, self-worth, and self-compassion, which, in turn, fueled my capacity to offer these things to the people in my life and my community.

Emerging Peaceful

I’d like to share this for consideration… Wouldn’t it be profoundly ironic if this devastating virus, and the associated isolation, offered a gift that allowed us to emerge with a clearer perspective, with sincere benevolence, and with an underlying sense of calm and inner peace?

Love & Light.

Editor’s note: During a recent post-program call, Mary Jayne responded to a question about whether someone would be able to get the same benefit from taking the week-long Process as they got from taking the two-day Hoffman Essentials. This was Mary Jayne’s response:
“The Process is so much more than seven days of workshop versus two days. It offers a more immersed experience with personal guidance from a teacher(s) who is selected especially for you.
“During the week-long Process, the Hoffman teachers take you on a journey. They hold your hand and keep you safe and engaged along the way. And at the end of the week, they celebrate you.
“When I did the Process, I was with 37 other folks who, like me, came to Hoffman with genuine distress and difficulties that were evident on all of our faces. At the end of the week, I looked around at my fellow Process-goers. The change that had taken place was dramatic. Every face was luminous. Not only had we had been transformed, we were now a community of love and light. Definitely. Definitely. Do the Process.”

Mary Jayne Rogers - Emerging RenewedExercise Physiologist Mary Jayne Rogers, Ph.D., is a 40+-year veteran of the Health and Wellness Industry. Dr. Rogers is the author of the award-winning book, From Overwhelmed to Inspired – Your Personal Guide to Health and Well-Being, and is an internationally recognized programmer, presenter, and health writer.

Dr. Rogers has been a contributing author for several websites and online magazines including hitchedmag, eharmony, beliefnet, drlaura, sharecare, galtime, parentingpink, wellness, and sheknows. Her fun and interesting blogs on health and wellness can be found at doctormaryjayne.com.

1 Comment
  • Refael


    06/22/21 at 6:24 AM

    very clear and interesting.

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