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By Julie Daley


As a Process graduate, I have 20/20 Hindsight – about the Process.

I now see what I couldn’t see before I did the Process. Here on the other side of that amazing week, I see that the Process offers an opportunity for the kind of transformation that can be so hard to come by. How do I see this?

Before I did the Process, I had no idea – NO IDEA – what was going to happen, what it would be like, or how I would feel afterward. I remember hemming and hawing with myself about whether to go and speaking with Liza at length. I mentioned my birthday would happen during the Process and how I was worried that if things went ‘south,’ my birthday would be ruined.

Once I did decide to go, I chose to go the following month to ensure that my birthday was still associated with positive things. For those of you who’ve done the Process, you understand how funny this particular piece was in hindsight.

redwood trees with sunlightKEENER EYESIGHT

Through the week of the Process, as the ‘scales’ fell from my eyes, my eyesight literally became keener.

The redwood trees glowed. My Process mates’ faces glowed. My heart glowed.

I’ve spoken to many graduates who, now that they know the healing possible, wish they’d done the Process earlier in life.

Using the powerful foresight of my Spiritual Self, I know the Process can and will give an unlimited number of people the gift of this transformation. How can we make this happen? By contributing to the Hoffman Scholarship Fund! It’s easy to do. Scholarships are now available for our powerful virtual courses, so your gift has an immediate impact during these times when so many could really use the tools that the Process offers.


When you donate, we receive your donation as a heartfelt expression of love and generosity, which helps expand the transformative reach of the Hoffman Process.

Please share your light with those who have yet to know that they can fully experience their own.

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