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By Shawn McAndrew

embracing your visionIn the Process, we do a lot of visioning – how to transform patterns, how to have a non-charged conversation with someone, how to diffuse transference, and more. We also do a lot of visioning for life. Creating a life vision is not a wish list or a check list. It is a be-here-now kind of thing. After all, we are human be-ings, not human do-ings.

Embody Your Vision

Throughout the week of the Process, we are led through exercises that allow us to envision how we want to be in our lives – in our homes, relationships, careers, and future. This visioning is done as if it is what we have now, in this moment. Visualizing as if it is current, alive, and real gives us an opportunity to embody the feelings that live in us when we actually are where and who we want to be.

The more exact and precise you visualize your life, the better chance you have of manifesting what you want. The mandate is to feel and act as if you are already living your vision. Over the years, I’ve heard from many people whose visions became reality. Visualizations are powerful, and they are a testament to how much control we have over our destiny.

Cycle of Transformation

There are many ways to create your vision, but at the heart of it is removing the obstacles (i.e., patterns!) that get in the way of having your vision become reality. We all know how those pesky patterns can get in the way of progress. But we also know how to address them and transform them, too. Ready. Set. Go! Awareness -> Expression (bashing) -> Compassion & Forgiveness -> New Behavior… The Cycle of Transformation!

Once you uncover what’s working against your vision (dark side messages telling you that you can’t have that dream job, or you can’t be the powerful leader you’ve always thought yourself as), you get down to the real work of clearing those messages and patterns, learning positive alternatives from your Spiritual Self, and embodying your new way of being.

It is said that your vision is already real. All you need to do is manifest it in physical form. Embodying your vision is a powerful first step to it becoming reality. To do this, imagine how your vision will feel in your body. Embodying this feeling each week or every day, if possible, is a good practice. Doing a Quadrinity Check-In is a great tool by which to identify any barriers that might be holding you back from manifesting your vision.

Adjust and Embrace

Re-read your written Vision for My Life often, either one you do now, or the one you wrote during the Process. Adjust anything that needs to be updated. For instance, I recently wrote a Vision for My Life that I thought was very detailed. A month later, I read it again and realized I had left out some important details.

All the work you put into creating your vision for your life up front is greatly rewarded by what you reap down the road. Go ahead, step onto your path now, and start creating your reality. Start be-ing!

Ed McClune will lead a teleclass on Living Your Vision on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. To learn more, click here, or register here. You can also check out the Visioning practice here.

1 Comment
  • Lu


    03/03/19 at 4:09 PM

    Thank you so much for this Shawn. It’s really helpful. I’ve been reading a lot about the Hoffman Process and due to 25yrs of mental health problems (striving for recovery), I’m still very stuck and whilst I have some quality of life, it is extremely restricted and I want to be freer to live and grow. I am wondering if the Hoffman Process would be an appropriate course/6 day program for me to complete? Thank you for your advice in anticipation.

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