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“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.” Rumi

By Gary Shunk

Wisdom of SpiritPart of the stimulus for this article is the overwhelming amount of information everywhere. The internet, the news, posts on Facebook. I click on an article that looks interesting only to find it goes on and on for pages and pages.

Wisdom of My Spirit

Then there is what I call “cut and paste” wisdom. I enjoy a quote about Rumi or a quote from Buddha. But what about my wisdom? What about our innate wisdom? And I’m talking about wisdom that has the ring of truth about it, not merely information.

One of the most profound experiences for me at the Hoffman Process was realizing that my Spirit is within my body. I knew that, but the reminder was very, very profound for me. It made me cry and it gave me chills. It is right here within me!

“I’ll Be Here”

When I got home after the Process, I would wake up in the middle of the night and whisper, “Spirit. Are you there?” And I would get “Yes Gary. I’ll be here until your last breath.” Wow!

The Hoffman Process gave a voice to my Spirit. Using the Quadrinity Check-In tool is very helpful. Sometimes answers and guidance come in words. Sometimes in feelings. At times as visuals. Sometimes as an intuitive tug. And the key thing about this is: Experiences, not my intellect.

Wisdom in the Heart

I think here in the western world we tend to equate wisdom with the intellect. There is such a cultural pressure regarding the intellect and learning. School. Tests. Reading. Knowledge. Nothing wrong with any of those. When I worked at a local spiritual bookstore doing readings, I would whisper very quietly to my clients, “There is more wisdom in the heart than all the books in this store.”

I am relying upon my Spirit for guidance, answers, and wisdom while continuing my journey to become an integrated, functional, grateful, and happy human being. At the same time, I am not ignoring the needs of my body, intellect, and emotions – which are also sources of wisdom. How do I follow the wisdom of my Spirit, my Heart? Via my intuition. Via my feelings.

  • Gary Shunk


    08/04/21 at 10:59 AM

    I wanted to follow up with this. My spirit helps me with everything, not just what would seem spiritual or life lessons. My spirit helps me with solutions to problems around my house. I face a challenge doing something. I ask spirit to help. I’m suddenly filled with inspiration and can see the solution to what I’m attempting to do.

    To all whom this message resonated, I’m so happy it resonated with you and gave insight into what we learned at Hoffman. Gary

  • Nicole “Cole” Tindel


    08/02/21 at 7:50 PM

    Thank you for sharing & reminding me to “see with my heart.” When I read that Hoffman gave a voice to your spirit, I got chills and felt like I was back at White Sulphur Springs all over again. Thank you. That was so well-said and profound because it just clicked for me and made me just as grateful/excited as the day I really could see my spirit again since I was a little girl! Truly “seeing with my heart” – the most trustworthy, intelligent and connected vision there is! Thank you so much for sharing. We see you and we love you.

    • Gary Shunk


      08/04/21 at 10:56 AM


      I know that when I speak from my heart, from my spirit, it will resonate with some one some where. You are most welcome. That’s quite exciting that it took you back to White Sulfur Springs! Wow! I hear you. I see you. I love you. Gary

  • Heather


    08/02/21 at 3:07 PM

    Wonderful uplifting message thank you!

  • Mary Beth


    08/02/21 at 6:38 AM

    Thank you!

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